What is the significance that the Ulam's length was 20?
Rashi: This is the width of the Heichal.
What is the significance that the Ulam's width was 11?
Radak: So it was in to Bayis Sheni (Midos 2:3). However, in Bayis Rishon it was 20 Amos, like its length.
Which direction is considered the width?
Rashi: It is from east to west.
What is the meaning of "uva'Ma'alos Asher Ya'alu Elav"?
Rashi: Via the steps was the way in which they ascended to [the Ulam]. 'There were 22 Amos from the Ulam to the Mizbe'ach. There were 12 steps there - the height of each was half an Amah' (Midos 3:6). Radak - here it does not say how many steps there were.
Malbim: On the steps was the way in which they ascended to it, there were the Eilim - one on each side, in front of the steps, like I explained (verse 26).
What is the significance of "v'Amudim El ha'Eilim"?
Rashi: These were in place of [the pillars] Yachin and Bo'az in Bayis Rishon.
Radak: This is like the previous verse said "El Ulam... mi'Po... mi'Po."
Vilna Gaon: There were two pillars for each of the two Eilim.
Malbim: The pillars were in addition to the Eilim to the sides of the Eilim. The pillars were thick; the Eilim were only one Amah by one Amah.