How were their openings the same?
Rashi: Also the openings of the east chambers in the south, 20 Amos separated them from the south cells - "u'Vein ha'Leshachos Rochav Esrim Amah Saviv la'Bayis Saviv Saviv" (41:10).
Malbim: Everything in the north of Chatzer ha'Chitzonah was also in the south ? the chambers and openings.
What is "Asher Derech ha'Darom"?
Vilna Gaon: Like those to the south [of the Binyan].
What is the opening at the head of the path?
Rashi: There was an opening to the eastern chambers at the head of the path. The path was in front of ha'Gederes ha'Ginah. Radak ? it is for one who enters from the east.
Vilna Gaon: The opening between these chambers was immediately at the head of the path of one Amah.
Malbim: One who left the Azarah to the south, he went to the Geder, and there was an opening of one Amah at its head, via which he enters Lishkos ha'Chamishim (7).
What is "ha'Gederes ha'Ginah"?
Targum Yonasan: The Duchan of Leviyim. Rashi ? the words imply a stone wall made with steps, on which they play instruments and sing.
Radak: They were stone steps made like a stone wall. It was Hagunah (proper) and beautiful.
Vilna Gaon: It was a wall that is Magen (shields) Kodshim from being disqualified via Yotzei.
Why does it say "Derech ha'Kadim"?
Rashi: The Duchan was in the east, like it says "veha'Leviyim ha'Meshorerim l'Chulam l'Asaf l'Heiman li'Ydusun? Omedim Mizrachi la'Mizbe'ach" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 5:12).
Radak: It was in the east, where the Leviyim ascended from Ezras Yisrael to Ezras Kohanim. Initially it was flat (not surrounded by walls); they surrounded it with balconies, so women could see [Simchah Beis ha'Sho'evah] without mixing with men. From it, 15 steps ascended to Ezras Yisrael, corresponding to 15 Shir ha'Ma'alos in Tehilim. The Leviyim sing on them. They were not Trutos (long and rectangular), rather, in a semi-circle, like a granary (Midos 2:5) 1 . This was not the Duchan on which Leviyim sing at the time of the Korban. Those were between Ezras Yisrael and Ezras Kohanim, and these steps were between Ezras Nashim and Ezras Yisrael. The Leviyim sang on them at Simchah Beis ha'Sho'evah. The Duchan was on a step one Amah tall (ibid. 6). A verse proves that it was in the east ? "veha'Leviyim ha'Meshorerim? Mizrachi la'Mizbe'ach."
Malbim: The path in front of ha'Gederes ha'Ginah was for one who comes from east to west, and wants to go on the path of 10 Amos in front of the Geder, to the path of 10 Amos in front of Lishkos ha'Esrim in the west.
Radak: There were chambers below Ezras Yisrael open to Ezras Nashim, in which Leviyim put their harps, lyres, cymbals and all instruments.