Why did Yaakov's gift comprise a little of this and a little of that?
Seforno: When sending a gift to someone who cannot obtain enough, one sends something big and in large quantities. 1 But when the recipient is a generous person who lacks nothing, one goes for quality rather than quantity, and sends things that are rarer and more expensive, in small quantities.
Malbim: A small gift does not look like a bribe.
Seforno: Such as the gift that Yaakov sent Esav.
There was no need for a gift. Why did Yaakov instruct his sons to give a gift to Yosef?
Seforno #1: Before going in to see Yosef, they would be able to determine his attitude towards them, and thereby know what to say when he confronted them. 1
Seforno #2 (to 43:13): It will also serve as a sort of atonement that goes ahead of you. 2
Malbim #1: It will show that you are honest. One who sinned against a person is ashamed to give a gift to him.
Malbim #2: It is normal to give a gift to show honor to esteemed people.
Ha'amek Davar: The gift was in the name of their father, like a slave greeting his master. Perhaps [giving the gift] was fulfillment of the second dream, in which the sun bowed to Yosef.
Seforno: Much in the same way as Mano'ach's wife stated "Had Hashem wanted to put us to death, He would not have accepted an Olah and a Minchah!" (Shoftim 13:23).
As a sort of bribe. Seforno: See Mishlei 17:8. See also Bereishis 32:21.
What are "Botnim"?
Rashi (citing Rabbi Machir): Pistachio nuts. 1
According to Targum Yonasan, Yaakov sent (not pistachios and almonds, but) pistachio-oil and almond-oil. Rav S.R. Hirsch - The nuts themselves had long ago been consumed! Note that "Botnim" have nothing to do with the modern-Hebrew word for "peanuts" (CS).
Why did Yaakov accept Yehudah's offer, but not that of Reuven?
Refer to 42:38:1.
Why does it say "Yisrael"? And why is "Aleihem" written Chaser (without a Yud)?
Ha'amek Davar: He spoke with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh, to teach future generations in exile, when they will be judged with a master, after they are vindicated they should give a gift. "Aleihem" is Chaser, to teach that he does not speak only with them, rather, for generations.
Why does it say "Avihem"?
Ha'amek Davar: If not that he was the father of all of them, and his mercy overpowered, he would not have heeded Yehudah.
Rashi writes: "'Eifo' - ... a superfluous addition, to improve the expression in Leshon Ivri." What does this mean?
Gur Aryeh: The sentence could have been understood the same way, even without the word "Eifo." 1
Rashi continues that the word "Eifo" stands for 'Ayeh-Foh, meaning 'what, then, shall be done?'
Rashi writes: "'Zimras ha'Aretz - ... about which everyone sings (Mezamerin) when it becomes available." How else might I have interpreted it?
Gur Aryeh: Perhaps "Zemirah" is an expression of pruning or cutting, 1 and "Zimras ha'Aretz" refers to anything that was harvested from the Land? However, that then would not be a gift; as a gift must come from the best.
As in Vayikra 25:3; Bamidbar 13:23.