
Midrash Sechel Tov and Targum Yonasan say that "ha'Ish" was Menasheh. How can he be called an Ish? There were not more than nine years from when Yosef married!


Riva, citing R. Yehudah ha'Chasid: He was called an Ish based on his Chochmah. 1 Compare to 38:7:151:1.


Hadar Zekenim, Da'as Zekenim: Rashi (Avos 5:21) learns that 13 is the age of Mitzvos, for Shimon and Levi were 13 when they wiped out Shechem, and they were called Ish! This requires investigation. (Perhaps "Ish" is 20 or 30, and they are called Ish due to their Chochmah! - PF)


What does "va'Ya'as ha'Ish" refer to?


Ha'amek Davar: He commanded the kitchen workers to slaughter an animal and prepare the meal, for after he will be busy speaking to the men.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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