
Why were they afraid when they discovered that they had been taken to Yosef's house?


Rashi: Because no other customers lodged with Yosef. They assumed that they were about to be escorted to jail.


Seforno (to 43:15): Because they were taken there before they had a chance to hand him the gift. 1


Malbim: They did not know whether the money was returned to test their honesty (if they will return it before they leave), or in order to make a false claim against them. They thought that they are brought to Yosef's house to demand the money before they return it themselves.


Refer to 43:11:2:1 and 43:11:2:2.


What does "l'Hisgolel Aleinu ul'Hisnapel Aleinu" mean?


Rashi: To bring upon us the libel of the money and to bring all his weight to bear down upon us.


Targum Onkelos: 'To insubordinate us and to pick a quarrel with us.'


Targum Yonasan: 'To trick us and to judge us.'


Ramban: 'To wallow in our blood and to fall upon us.'


Ha'amek Davar: To conduct with authority over us improperly, and to seek a pretext to claim against us (that we tried to steal).


Why were they worried about their donkeys? Was that not being trivial?


Ramban: Not at all! They were worried that they would take the donkeys and the sacks, and they would not be able to send grain to their families, and they will all starve.


Hadar Zekenim: Since they are bringing also our donkeys, this shows that it is just a pretext. 1


Ha'amek Davar: They will take us to be slaves for stealing from the viceroy (like occurred with the cup), and our donkeys in place of the money we 'stole.'



Rashi writes: "'We are being brought' (Muva'im) - inside of this house." What is Rashi telling us by merely adding the word "inside"?


Gur Aryeh #1: Rashi found difficult, why is "Muva'im" in the present tense? They had already been brought to the house at the beginning of the verse, so it should have been in past tense! Rather, they were saying, "... we are now being brought into the interior of the house [where there is surely a jail cell meant for us!]"


Gur Aryeh #2: "'We are being brought" is left ambiguous; they do not specify to where. 1 Rashi specifies "... inside of this house" - which was looming before them, and they did not need to explain this.


Gur Aryeh: Although the verse's narrative told us that the subject is Yosef's house, here the brothers themselves are the speakers, and they did not specify to where they are being taken.


Rashi writes: "L'Hisgolel - so that the libel regarding the money will 'roll itself out' upon us." What is bothering Rashi?


Gur Aryeh: The verb "L'Hisgolel" is in reflexive (Hispa'el) form. It does not mean, "he (i.e. Yosef) wishes to roll it out;" but rather, "it (i.e. the accusation) will roll itself out."

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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