
Why did Yehudah need to mention that he was a guarantor?


Rashi, Hadar Zekenim: This explains why he is speaking on Binyamin's behalf more than his brothers are. 1


Gur Aryeh (citing Mizrachi): The word "Ki" (because) gives a reason for what was stated above. (Rashi explains that it is the motivation for Yehudah's entire efforts.)


Why did Yehudah say that he is an Arev, "me'Im Avi"?


Malbim: Do not say that now that Binyamin has sinned, I am exempt from Arvus. I was a guarantor to my father!


Yehudah was repeating what he had spoken to his father. Why did he say "l'Avi," and not 'Lecha'?


R. Bechayei, Ha'amek Davar: "L'Avi" includes my Father in Heaven.


Why did Yehudah say that if he does not return Binyamin, he will sin against his father "all days"?


Moshav Zekenim: Yaakov knew that he himself would be punished after death (if Binyamin does not return) - "v'Horadtem Es Seivasi b'Yagon She'olah" (42:38). He would agree to send Binyamin only if Yehudah accepted this punishment (Gehinom) on himself, i.e. Niduy in this world and the world to come. 1


Sha'arei Teshuvah (1:42): Yaakov would not forgive this [so there would be no Kaparah].


Ha'amek Davar: Even though Binyamin did not die, I (Yehudah) am liable due to my Arvus, for I accepted punishment for his sins on myself. Also, Yaakov would not believe that Binyamin was seized for theft. 2


He did not explain why it did not suffice to accept Niduy in the world to come. (PF)


It seems that this is Ha'amek Davar's intent; the words must be re-arranged. Why does liability depend on whether or not Yaakov believes Yehudah's report? (PF)


Yehudah had promised Yaakov also, "v'Hitzagtiv Lefanecha" (43:9) Why did he say to Yosef only, "Avi'enu Elecha"?


Moshav Zekenim: Had Yehudah said "v'Hitzagtiv," Yosef would say, 'are you a Navi?! Perhaps [Binyamin] will not still be alive!' But to Yaakov, he said "v'Hitzagtiv," for Sheluchei Mitzvah (to redeem Shimon and bring back food) are not harmed (Pesachim 8b).



Rashi writes: "I bound myself tightly with Binyamin, by accepting upon myself excommunication in two worlds (i.e. both this world and the next)." But in Parshas Miketz, Rashi (to 43:9) explains as referring to the world-to-come [only]?


Gur Aryeh (to 43:9): Here, Yehudah needed to explain to the viceroy the full extent of the responsibility that he had taken upon himself. Refer to 43:9:1.2:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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