
What is the meaning of the word "Chalilah"?


Rashi #1: It means 'Chulin' (profane) - 'It would be profane for us to do such a thing.'


Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos; according to Gur Aryeh): It means 'mercy' (Chas)- Hashem should have mercy on us, and prevent us from doing such a thing! 1


Gur Aryeh: Onkelos does not understand the word 'Chalilah' to be an expression of Chulin (disgrace, sacrilege), but rather an expression of Rachamim (mercy).


Why did they say "ka'Devarim ha'Eleh"?


Ohr ha'Chayim, Malbim: We would not do even something resembling this!


Ha'amek Davar: You speak as if it is clear that we all know - and if it is found with one of us, we are all liable. You have no basis to suspect all of us! (Rather, if it is found among us, the law is like we will say in verse 44:9.)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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