
Why does it say "Lo b'Charbam Yarshu Aretz"?


Radak: You dispossessed them. Yisrael did not do so with their swords.


Why does it say "u'Zero'am Lo Hoshi'ah Lamo Ki Yemincha u'Zero'acha"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words. It mentions His right hand, for it is used for labors and war.


Malbim: Zero'a is the upper arm. It is the power that makes the arm move. Regarding Hashem, it always refers to the initial action and cause via Hashem, without relying on merit of the generation. All actions that Hashem does due to Yisrael's merit are attributed to His Yad; the Zero'a that made the hand move was the merit. Inheriting Eretz Yisrael was due to Hashem's Zero'a - "Lo b'Tzidkasecha uv'Yosher Levavecha Atah Va Lareshes Es Artzam" (Devarim 9:5).


Why does it say "v'Or Panecha"?


Radak: Light that comes to them from Your face; salvation is compared to light, and affliction to darkness.


Malbim: The miracles were not hidden, rather, revealed.


What is "Retzisam"?


Rashi: It is an expression of Ratzon (desire). Radak - You desired Yisrael and fought for them. Malbim - there is no reason for Hashem's Ratzon 1 .


As opposed to human desire, which is usually due to something that he lacks.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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