
What is the significance of the fact that the members of Pharaoh's household were saying that Yosef's brothers had arrived?


Ramban: Because Yosef kept telling them that he had brothers who were highly respected in Eretz Kena'an, whence he had been kidnapped, and they now saw that his claims were actually true.


Why was it good in the eyes of Pharaoh and his servants?


Ramban, Ohr ha'Chayim: Because until now, the fact that an erstwhile slave was taken out of jail to rule was a shame and disgrace; and now that his brothers arrived and it became clear that he was from a noble family, fit to stand before kings, they were pleased.


Seforno: Because if until now, they saw him as a stranger on the throne, they now saw him as a native who came to live among them and to settle his family there. Consequently, he would do everything in his power to work on their behalf.


Ha'amek Davar: They understood that his brothers are somewhat or very similar to Yosef in Chochmah, and they will benefit the country via their Chochmah like Yosef did.


Verse 45:2 already said that Egypt heard. Did Beis Pharaoh hear only now?


Ohr ha'Chayim, Malbim: Before they heard Yosef crying, but they did not know the reason. Now they heard that Yosef's brothers came, Ha'amek Davar - Even though they heard "ha'Od Avi Chai" (45:3), they thought that the men were close to the family. Now they heard that they are his brothers. 1


This is like the opinions that others heard "ha'Od Avi Chai" (45:3); but he whispered the next verse "Ani Yosef Achichem Asher Mechartem" (45:4); so only his brothers heard. Refer to 45:4:1:2. (PF)



Rashi writes: "The news was heard ('Nishma') 'Beis Pharaoh' - I.e., 'in the house of Pharaoh;' in this instance it refers to the house itself." Why doesn't Rashi explain as he did above (Rashi to 45:2), that "house" refers to the people of Pharaoh's household?


Gur Aryeh: Unlike the verse above, our verse is in passive (Nif'al) form - "Nishma" - it was heard. Had 'Beis Pharaoh' in our Pasuk been referring to his household, it would be in simple (Kal) form ('Shama' -they heard). 1


Riva: 'The members of Pharaoh's household' would exclude Pharaoh himself. However, our verse says that "it was good in the eyes of Pharaoh!" It must mean the house itself.


See also Sifsei Chachamim (to 45:2). Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan indicate the same distinction between the two verses.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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