
What are "Gedolos"?


Rashi: They are Nevu'os, like "Saprah Na Li Es Kol ha'Gedolos [Asher Asah Elisha]" (Melachim II, 8:4), "Kra Elai... v'Agidah Lecha Gedolos" (above, 33:3).


Malbim: You request great perfection via Nevu'ah, for your needs. You do not request to be a Shali'ach to the nation; Yirmeyah already fulfilled this Shelichus. Do not request more than what I give to you, that Hashgachah will cling to you to save you from the encompassing evil that will come. You can go in all places, and Hashem will supervise over you. You will take shelter in the shade of His wings.


Did Hashem answer Baruch's complaint?


Rashi (citing the start of Mechilta): Yes. If there is no vineyard, there is no [reason for a] fence. If there is no flock, there is no shepherd. I am revealed to Nevi'im only due to the merits of Yisrael [and now they lack merits].


Malbim (4): Yes. Nevu'ah comes on Nevi'im, without Shelichus [to tell it], rather, to give to Nevi'im a Kodesh influence and great intellect. This is only when Shechinah dwells in Yisrael, but not at a time when Hashem destroys everything, and removes His Shechinah from the Kodesh, Mikdash and land.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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