What is the meaning of "Hirbah Koshel"?
Rashi: Hashem pushed him, and greatly increased his stumbling.
Radak: Hashem (who was mentioned) increased among them those who stumble.
What is the meaning of "Nafal Ish El Re'ehu"?
Rashi: They gathered.
Radak: This is like Al Re'ehu (they fell on each other), like it says above (verse 12) "Gibor b'Gibor Kashalu."
Targum Yonasan: Ishtam'u Gevar l'Chavrei (a man heeded his colleague). Radak - this is like he translated "El ha'Kasdim Atah Nofel" (37:13; you join with them and heed them).
Malbim: [Through stumbling,] there was an internal war, and a man made his colleague stumble, and via this, the nations helping them scattered.
What is "Amenu"?
Rashi: It is the place from which we left, to fight.
Radak: It is one of the other nations dwelling in Egypt. When there is a famine, they come to dwell in Egypt, for in most years there is more satiation in Egypt than in other lands. When Nebuchadnetzar's army will come, a man will tell his colleague 'let us return to our nation.'
What is "Cherev ha'Yonah"?
Targum Yonasan: It is the sword of the enemy, which is like intoxicating wine. Rashi - ha'Yonah it is an expression of wine.
Rashi: [The sword] of affliction.
Radak: [The sword] that coerces, for no one can stand against it. Similarly, "v'Ha'achalti Es Monayich" (Yeshayah 49:26) are Onsayich (those who force you), and also "v'Lo Yonu Od Nesi'ai Es Ami" (Yechezkel 45:8).
Malbim: The sword of Nebuchadnetzar. The kings of Ashur and Bavel 1 had a dove on their flag, and attributed their victory to it.
Below (50:16), it says Cherev ha'Yonah regarding the one who will destroy Bavel (Pras and Madai)! (PF)