What is the connection to Tavor and Karmel?
Rashi: Just like truly, Tavor is fixed in the mountain, and Karmel by the sea, so truly 1 this matter will come on Egypt.
Radak citing his father: Just like Tavor is designated for hunting and setting traps - "v'Reshes Perushah Al Tavor" (Hoshe'a 5:1), fixed in the mountain, so they will trap [the Egyptians]. Just like the trees of Karmel, which they bring on the sea, so they will bring [the Egyptians] in captivity.
Malbim: Just like Tavor is among the mountains, and Karmel is near the sea 2 , but Tavor cannot come among the mountains near it, and Karmel cannot enter the sea, for Hashem fixed that [each] not leave its place, so Pharaoh, even though he is close to the place of war, will not leave his place and will not come.