Why does it say "Elokim b'Kirbah"?
Radak: This is the reason why "Bal Timot" (it will not fall). Malbim - in the morning, Hashem will pass a wind over the land and calm the water. There will be a great storm then - "b'Ru'ach Kadim 1 Teshaber Aniyos Tarshish" (48:8).
Malbim: The salvation will come from Kadim (east), "Lifnos Boker" (the direction from which morning illuminates).
When is "Lifnos Boker"?
Rashi: It is the Ketz (deadline) for the redemption.
Radak: Initially there will be war against Yerushalayim - "v'Nilkedah ha'Ir v'Nashasu ha'Batim" (Zecharyah 14:2). That time will be called evening. The time of redemption is called morning - "v'Hayah l'Es Erev Yihyeh Ohr" (ibid., 7), and so it says here.
Malbim: Refer to 46:6:1:1*.