Why will you weary?
Radak: All your counsel and witchcraft will not help you.
Malbim: For the present, there is no counsel to be saved.
Who are "Hoverei Shamayim"?
Targum Yonasan: They are people who look at the Mazal in Shamayim. Rashi
Why does it say "le'Chadashim"?
Rashi: When the moon is Chadash (new), at the time of the Molad (when it is directly between the earth and sun).
What do we learn from "me'Asher Yavo'u Alecha"?
Rashi (from Sechel Tov Bereishis 37:36): They can see a little of what will come, but they do not know the full explanation. Therefore, it says "me'Asher" (part, and not Asher). Above (8:19) it says "ha'Metzaftzefim veha'Mahgim" - like birds that chirp, and they do not know about what. Radak - the verse teaches, the astrologers who predict future events - how did they not inform you of this evil that will come upon you, before it came, if they knew it?! Now, if they have a strategy to save you, let them save you!
Radak: Le'Chadashim refers to Alecha, and me'Asher Yavo'u refers back to v'Yoshi'uch.
Malbim: The astrologers cannot save you in the present, but at least let them save you from future evils!