Why does it say "v'Atah"?
Malbim: Now is the time for Hashem to redeem His nation.
What is "Adinah"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is pampered. Radak
What is the meaning of "Ani v'Afsi Od"?
Rashi: There is nothing other than me.
Radak: No one else has grandeur like me.
Malbim: Bavel did not fear that any kingdom would fight it.
What is the metaphor of being a widow and bereaved?
Rashi (9): Widowed is loss of its king. Exile of its residents is being bereaved, like death of children.
Radak: A city is a widow when its king dies. He is like a husband to his wife. It is bereaved when its nation dies. They are like its children.
Malbim: There are two possible causes for kingship to cease. (a) People in the country rebel against their ruler. This is called a widow