To where did he go out?
Rashi: From Chatzer ha'Penimis to Chatzer ha'Chitzonah, via the north gate (Malbim ? became the eastern gate was closed).
Radak: To Pesach ha'Heichal.
Malbim: To the eastern opening of Ezras Yisrael.
What is the meaning of "va'Ysibeni"?
Rashi: He took me around the wall of the inner Chatzer, [while I was] in the outer Chatzer.
Radak: He took me from east to the north, and took me out of the northern gate of the Azarah, outside to Har ha'Bayis.
To which gate did he go?
Rashi: To the outer gate (Malbim ? of Chatzer ha'Chitzonah), which faces east.
Radak: He took me out of the northern gate of the Azarah, outside to Har ha'Bayis.
What is "Mefakim"?
Rashi: It drips.
Radak, Targum Yonasan: They leave.
Malbim: The source [of water] was open like the mouth of a Pach (flask).