What does "Oy Lecha Mo'av" refer to?
Refer to Bamidbar 21:29:1:1.
Who is "Am Kemosh"?
Refer to Bamidbar 21:29:2:1-3 and the notes there.
Who made Mo'av's sons and daughters captives?
Refer to Bamidbar 21:29:3:1-2.
Is there a difference between Shevi and Shivyah?
Malbim (Devarim 21:11): Shevi are those that it was already decided to take them captive. Shivyah are being prepared for captivity, but it was not decided. E.g. when Bnei Efrayim captured from Yehudah, it always says Shevi, for they did not resolve to keep them captive. They returned them to their land!
Emes l'Yakov (Devarim 21:10): Perhaps Shevi is the act of taking captive, when one side wins and captures the other side. The sons fought and were taken in the war. Shivyah refers to a collection of captives. The women did not fight; they were merely added to [the men] who were already taken captive.