
Why does it say "Kirvu"?


Malbim: Shamayim va'Aretz, which are far from you 1 , did not say this. Come close to me, and hear this Nevu'ah in the name of Hashem.


Why is Eretz far from those who heard this? (PF)


What do we learn from "Shim'u Zos"?


Rashi citing Midrash Tanchuma: Zos refers to Torah - "v'Zos ha'Torah" (Devarim 4:44).


Rashi: Hear this that I prophesize to you about the fall of Bavel and your redemption.


What do we learn from "Lo mi'Rosh ba'Seser Dibarti"?


Shabbos 86b: This is why Hashem did not give the Torah at night.


Mo'ed Katan 16b: Normally, it is proper to teach Torah covertly.


Rashi citing Midrash Tanchuma: Regarding the time of Matan Torah, the Navi said "Sham Ani" - I was there. All the Nevi'im were at Matan Torah, and now He sent me to prophesize to you.


Rashi: From the time that this was - that Hashem decreed to bring the fall of Bavel and your redemption - I was there. This teaches that when Hashem decrees, he puts the Navi who will later prophesize about it in the counsel of the Pamalia Shel Ma'alah (the Heavenly entourage), even though [the decree] was not created yet.


Radak: The Nevu'ah of Sancheriv, which was first, I did not say it covertly. Rather, I publicly said that so will be - "v'Atem Edai" 1 (43:10). Also now, Hashem sent me to prophesize about the decree of Churban Bavel to come.


Radak citing his father: When I said the Nevu'ah of Sancheriv, which was first, I did not say it covertly. From that time, when Hashem said "Es Mi Eshlach u'Mi Yelech Lanu" (6:8), I am ready - and now Hashem sent me to you.


Malbim: From when the matter began, I publicized it to everyone on my own, before I was commanded to 2 .


Radak (43:10) says that this refers to the Nevu'ah of the evil that Sancheriv will do, and his downfall.


I.e. Hashem told me what will happen, but did not command me to tell others. (PF)


What is the meaning of "me'Es Heyosah Sham Ani"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: From the time that the nations separated from fear of Me, there I brought your father Avraham to My service.


Refer to 48:16:3:3-7.


Malbim: Even when I was there (in Bavel), I was not afraid to openly prophesize [its fall].


Why did he say "v'Atah Hashem Elokim Shelachani"?


Rashi: The Navi says, here Hashem Elokim sent me. The matters are mixed; the one who said this ("Lo mi'Rosh ba'Seser Dibarti") did not say this.


Refer to 48:16:3:3-7.


Malbim: I publicized this even before I was commanded to, and now I am sent to do so.


What is the meaning of "v'Rucho"?


Radak: Rucho is His angel. It came to me on His mission with the Nevu'ah, and informed me of the decree to come. He sent me to inform you. Sometimes a Navi hears a voice without seeing an angel, and sometimes he sees an angel.


Radak citing his father: Hashem put His Ru'ach in me to prophesize future events.


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon: This is like b'Rucho, like "va'Ta'ad Bam b'Ruchacha b'Yad Nevi'echa" (Nechemyah 9:30). Also "Dirshu Hashem v'Uzo" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 16:11) is like b'Uzo.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: And His angel that is appointed over Malchus Paras. There are angels appointed over the kingdoms, like it says in Daniel.


Malbim: Hashem put His Ru'ach of Nevu'ah in me, to prophesize publicly.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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