
How is Hashem's praise like His name?


Rashi: Just like Your name is great, so Your praise is great in the mouth of all.


Radak: Just like Your name was in the mouth of Nevi'im with prophecies about the future, so today, "until the ends of the land." Those who did not believe the prophecies, now that they see that they were fulfilled, they will praise Your name.


Malbim: Your praise that goes out from the Heichal "until the ends of the land" pertains to Shem Elokim - a righteous Judge who punishes those worthy of punishment.


Why does it say "Tzedek Mal'ah Yeminecha"?


Radak: Those who see the prophecies fulfilled, they will say so.


Malbim: Tzedek is To'ar (word to describe) a judge who does not show favoritism, and does not do Chesed to overlook those who are liable. Rather, he judges righteously. (Hashem conducts with nations coming in Tarshish boats, and Yisrael were saved via His Chesed.)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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