
How will Hashem make you "Charbah" and "Cherpah"?


Radak: Your land will be desolate, and you will be shamed to the nations around you. They will be astounded at you and whistle over you.


Malbim: This begins to explain "v'Hishlachta Osam El Toch ha'Esh? Mimenu Setzei Esh El Kol Beis Yisrael" (4). Those who remained after Gedalyah died, they went to Egypt and were scattered to other lands. Some were "l'Charbah" (Nebuchadnetzar sword killed them), and the others were l'Cherpah (shamed).


Why does it say "l'Einei Kol Over"?


Radak: Also all who pass by will be astounded at you and whistle over you.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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