
Why does the Torah insert the word "le'Chatas"?


Sifra: To teach us that the sinner must set aside the money specifically in order to purchase a Chatas.


What are the implications of the word "Lo Yasim alehah Shemen"?


Menachos, 19b: It implies that the prohibition incorporates a Mashehu (even less than a k'Zayis of oil); whereas the Minchah on which he places it must measure at least a k'Zayis in order to transgress - since the Torah inserts the word "Alehah", implying a Shi'ur. 1


Refer to 5:11:0.4:1.


What are the implications of the word "Yasim Alehah"


Refer to 5:11:0.2:1.


Menachos, 60a #1: It implies that one is only Chayav if one adds oil on to the initial Minchah, but if one adds it on to the Shirayim ? after the Kometz has been taken.


Menachos, 60a #2: It implies that one is only Chayav if one places the oil or the frankincense on the Minchah, but not if one places the K'li that contains them on the Minchah.


Why does the Torah switch from "Lo Yasim Alehah Shemen" to "Lo Yitein Alehah Levonah"?


Menachos, 59b: As opposed to 'Simah', 'Nesinah' implies a k'Zayis. Consequently, one is only Chayav if one places at least a k'Zayis of frankincense 1 - on even less than a k'Zayis of Minchah. 2


Refer to 5:1:0.2.1.


Because, since "Alehah" is repeated, we apply the principle 'Ein Miy'ut achar Miy'ut Ela Lerabos'.


Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) phrase "ki Chatas Hi"?


Rashi: This explains why the Minchah is devoid of Shemen and Levonah - because it is not befitting for a Chatas to be adorned.


Zevachim, 63b: The Torah is comparing the Minchah and the Chatas ? inasmuch as a Minchah, like a Chatas, requires Tzafon and is Pasul if it is brought she'Lo Lishmah; and just as a Minchah must be brought to the south-western corner, so too, must a Chatas ha'Of be brought to the south-western corner to be sprinkled.


Menachos, 4a: To teach the Kohen that, if he performs the Kemitzah of the Minchas Chotei she'Lo Lish'mah, the Korban is Pasul. 1


Sifra: To teach that if the Kohen adds Levonah, the Korban is still Kasher. 2


As opposed to regular Menachos which, although Kemitzah she'Lo Lishmah does not render the owner Yotzei, the Korban is Kasher.


Refer to 5:11:2:2 and note.


What are the implications of the word "Ki Chatas Hi"?


Menachos, 108a: It implies "Hi Chatas", 've'Ein Minchah Acheres Chatas' ? to preclude the daily Asiris ha'Eifah of the Kohen Gadol, which therefore requires Levonah and the leftovers of which are left to rot. 1


Sifra: It implies that, if he adds oil, the Korban is Pasul. 2


Torah Temimah: And not brought as a Nidvas Tzibur in the form of Kayitz la'Mizbe'ach, like the leftovers of Chata'os.


Refer also to 5:11:1:4. Sifra: The reason for the difference is because whereas the Levonah can be removed, the oil cannot.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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