
Why does the Torah write "Ve'hizah mi'Dam ha'Chatas" and not simply 'mi'Damo'?


Zevachim, 64b: To teach us that the Kohen should sprinkle blood from the body of the bird ? by holding the head and the body.


What is the difference between 'Haza'ah' and 'Mitzuy' (both of which are mentioned in this Pasuk)?


Rashi: 'Mitzuy' is pressing the Oref against the wall of the Mizbe'ach until the blood drips down. 'Haza'ah' is performed by holding it by the neck and shaking it towards the Mizbe'ach, and the blood sprinkles on to the Mizbe'ach.


Whereabouts on the wall of the Mizbe'ach does the Kohen perform the Haza'ah of the Chatas ha'Of?


Zevachim, 64b: On the lower half of the wall ? thereby enabling the remainder of the blood that is squeezed to fall on to the Y'sod. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 69.


Why does the Torah write write the (otherwise superfluous) words "Chatas Hu"?


Rashi: To teach us that it is Kosher only if it is brought Lishmah, but Pasul if it is brought Lo Lishmah.


Me'ilah, 5b: To teach us that the Mitzuy of the Chatas ha'Of is crucial.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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