Over what does our heart mourn?
Rashi: It is like the coming verse says - Har Tziyon is desolate; foxes go there.
Ri Kara: We are not so pained over all the other afflictions, because they were proper payment for sin - "Oy Na Lanu Ki Chatanu" (16). However, we mourn "Al Har Tziyon she'Shamem" (18) - it did not sin! Churban ha'Bayis was harsher to them than all the afflictions that came on them.
R. Avigdor #1: Over the Beis ha'Mikdash. "Zeh" refers to it - "Ein Zeh Ki Im Beis Elokim" (Bereishis 28:17).
R. Avigdor #2: Over the Shechinah, which departed. "Zeh" refers to it - "Zeh Keli v'Anvehu" (Shemos 15:2).
What is the meaning of "Chashchu Eineinu"?
Ibn Ezra: Our eyes darkened (our sight weakened) due to our crying.
R. Avigdor (16): The Ayin in Eineinu is small 1 ; it hints to Tzidkiyah's eyes; they were blinded (Melachim II, 25:7).
In our texts, it is normal. (PF)