
What is the word "Ve'hikriv Osah ha'Kohen" coming to preclude?


Sotah 8a: It precludes giving two Sotos Mei Sotah to drink simultaneously - so that, in the event that one of them is guilty, she will not be encouraged to deny her guilt when she sees the other one pleading innocent. 1


See also Torah Temmah, note 85, who elaborates.


What are the implications of the word "Ve'he'emidah Lifnei Hashem" - as opposed to 'Ve'amdah '?


Sifri: It implies that the Kohen stands her alone before Hashem - without her servants and maidservants, seeing as their very presence will encourage her to stubbornly deny her guilt. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 86.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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