
Why did they seek David?


Radak: They wanted to fight with him. David then composed "Mizmor Lamah Ragshu Goyim" (Tehilim 2), for all Pelishtim gathered.


Malbim: Until now, they thought that he has a Bris with Achish and fights against Malchus Sha'ul. Now that [all of Yisrael] accepted him as king, they wanted to see if he will be submissive to them and pay taxes.


What is the Metzudah to which he went?


Radak: It is a strong tower. It says "he descended", for the place was lower than Yerushalayim.


Malbim: This is the fortress in Midbar Ma'on, where he went when he fled Sha'ul. It is close to Eretz Pelishtim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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