Why does it say "Motz'eihem Achlum"?
Malbim: They were like Hefker, and whoever found them could consume them for his benefit.
What are "Tzareihem"?
Radak: It is those who afflict them.
Malbim: It is those who hate them. They ruined them amidst hatred, without any benefit at all.
Why did they say "Lo Nesham"?
Radak: We are not liable for harming them, for they sinned [Malbim - and they deserve to be eradicated]. The Navi explains why this affliction came to them.
What does the verse say about "Neve Tzedek"?
Radak: They had a place of righteousness and truth when they did His will.
Malbim: This was one aspect of their sin. Hashem was a special place for the flock; righteousness dwelled there. They abandoned righteousness Bein Adam l'Chavero. Also refer to 30:7:5:2.
What is "Mikve Avoseihem"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is what their ancestors relied on (Hashem). Radak - and Hashem was their Mikve; they found their hopes [fulfilled] through Him.
Malbim: They abandoned Hashem in matters Bein Adam l'Makom.