What is the meaning of "El Yidroch ha'Dorech Kashto"?
Rashi: The verse is abbreviated. It means, to the place that I will say, there the one who draws, he will draw his bow.
Radak: To the one who draws his bow... [the verse tells him not to have mercy].
Radak: Yonason translates 'El' like 'Al 1 ' - one should not draw his bow...
Malbim: I will put a Ru'ach [to destroy] on one who draws his bow.
It seems that this is the correct text. Also Minchas Shai says so. However, why should he not draw his bow? The verse says not to have mercy! (PF)
What is the meaning of "v'El Yis'al b'Siryono"?
Rashi: Do not 1 heal.
Radak: Towards the one who gets haughty about his armor that he wears... [the verse tells him to draw his bow, and not have mercy].
Radak: Yonason translates 'El' like 'Al 2 ' - he should not put on his armor...
Malbim: I will put a Ru'ach [to destroy] on one who puts on his armor - and then he will not have mercy.
Why does it say "Kol Tzeva'ah"?
Malbim: Even those who were not armed.