What is "Nivzeh"?
Rashi: Yisrael was [disgraced]. The Navi often mentions all of Yisrael like one person - "Al Tira Avdi Yakov" (44:2), "Yaskil Avdi" (52:13).
Radak: Not only did we not desire [Yakov] - he was disgraced in our eyes.
Malbim: Not only did he lack all attributes - he was also disgraced due to natures of his Nefesh.
What is "Chadal Ishim"?
Radak #1: He was the lowest of people.
Radak #2: People refrained from joining to them.
Malbim: The nature of his body is totally unlike others.
Who is "Ish Mach'ovos vi'Ydu'a Choli"?
Radak: The pains and illness are the pain of Galus. He is Yadu'a and used to the yoke of Galus.
Malbim: One can lack all attributes of nature and the Nefesh, yet he is healthy, like animals. [Yakov] is Ish Mach'ovos (everyone hits and pains him viciously), and he has a contagious disease rooted in his creation.
What is the significance of hiding his face?
Rashi: Amidst their great shame and lowliness, they were like one who hides his face, lest people see that he is plagued.
Radak: It is as if we hid our faces from him. We did not want to look at him, amidst great repulsion. We did not consider him at all.
Malbim: Normally, one who is in the ultimate poverty and afflictions, all have mercy on him. He is like one who is despised, and all hide their faces from him, not to look at him.
Why does it say "Nivzeh v'Lo Chashavnuhu"?
Malbim: Do not say that they hide their faces from him because they feel his pain (even more when they see him). He was disgraced, and they did not consider him to feel his pain at all.