What is the significance that Hashem called her an abandoned woman?
Radak: You are unlike a widow. Your Husband lives forever! Rather, you are like a woman whose husband was angry at her, and abandoned her for many days.
Malbim: While in Galus, you are like an abandoned woman. She is "Atzuvas Ru'ach" because her husband abandoned her.
Why does it say "[v'Eshes Ne'urim] Ki Sima'es"?
Rashi: When she is despised, sometimes he is a little angry at her.
Radak: Do not say that He will abandon you forever, for he despised you. You are a wife of youth; her husband does not despise her forever.
Malbim: While you were still in your land, you were despised for your evil deeds.
Why does it conclude "Amar Elokecha"?
Malbim: This was while He was still Elokecha, before He abandoned you.