What is the meaning of "Yasi Maves Aleimo"?
Rashi: He will incite the angel of death against them. Yasi is like "ha'Nachash Hishi'ani va'Ochel" (Bereishis 3:13).
Rashi citing Menachem: Yasi is an expression of Yesh, "Im Yeshchem Osim" (Bereishis 24:49).
Radak: Hashem will obligate death to come against Achitofel and others who counseled evil for David. Yasi is like "v'Nasa Vo Alah" (Melachim I, 8:31) and "Lo Yasi Oyev Bo" (Tehilim 89:23) - he seizes him like the creditor seizes the borrower.
Malbim #1: He will claim His debt from them when they descend to She'ol not via death, rather, while alive. They killed themselves, for they are like the angel of death, to do like his action. This was their punishment for "Ra'os bi'Meguram b'Kirbam."
Malbim #2: Refer to 55:14:1:4.
Will they descend to She'ol alive?!
Radak: They will die suddenly; they will not feel ill before they die. The same applies to "Nivla'em ki'Sh'ol Chayim" (Mishlei 1:12).
Malbim: Yes. Refer to 55:16:1:4.
What is "bi'Meguram"?
Rashi: It is in their lodging.
Radak: The evils that they plot, they say them bi'Meguram, i.e. where they gather. I.e. they gathered in Yerushalayim to counsel about David. Meguram is an expression of gathering, like "Yegorehu v'Chermo" (Chabakuk 1:15).