What is "Chatas Pimo Devar Sefaseimo"?
Rashi: Due to their grandeur, their Sheker traps the poor that they pursue. A refer to 59:15:1:1.
Radak #1: It is the evil words that they speak about me, and would do to me, if they could. (All should know that this is why they are punished!)
Radak #2: Refer to 59:13:3:2.
Malbim: Their mouths should speak confession for their mouths' sin, that they slandered me. They should admit that they are punished for this.
What is the meaning of "vi'G'onam"?
Radak: They should be caught in their pride that they aggrandize themselves over me. Demote them from their grandeur and pride!
What is the meaning of "ume'Alah umi'Kachash Yesaperu"?
Radak #1: People will discuss the great curse, weakness and leanness that will come on them.
Radak #2: Alah is a Shevu'ah, and Kachash is Sheker. These sins of their mouths should make them stumble, and they will be trapped in their pride.
Malbim: They should tell and confess that they are punished for speaking Sheker about me and swearing falsely to support their words.