Why does it say "Shnei"?
Malbim: This teaches that they are identical, i.e. their measure. One was a male form, an influencer, and the other a female, a recipient. It says in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 3:10 "Keruvim Shenayim" to show that they are different. 1
Malbim (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 3:10): Also in the Torah, the command was to make "Shenayim Keruvim", but it says that they made "Shnei Cheruvim" (Shemos 25:28, 37:7) for this reason (they were the same size, but different genders).
What are "Keruvim"?
Gra: They are human forms, but with wings.
What is "Atzei Shamen"?
Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is olive wood. 1
Radak: It is a kind of cedar from which oil comes, used to make pitch.
Gra: It is Afarsemon oil.
Radak: It says "Zayis v'Alei Etz Shemen" (Nechemyah 8:15) - this shows that Etz Shemen is not olive!
Rashi writes that Atzei Shemen is olive wood. Would the Torah say to destroy fruit trees for the Mikdash?!
Radak: They used old trees that do not make fruits. The same applies to wood for the Ma'arachah, which was fig wood and date wood. Chazal said (Tamid 29b), they were from trees that do not bear fruits.