Why will your remnant remember Me?
Rashi: They will remember My Chesed and mercy on them, when they acted crookedly in their land.
Malbim: They will put to their hearts, grow wise and remember Hashem.
What is the meaning of "Nishbarti Es Libam ha'Zonah?
Rashi: I was humbled with them, even though their heart was Zonah and veered from me, I requested from them via my Nevi'im to return to me and I will benefit them, and they did not want to.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is like Shavarti (I broke 1 ).
Radak: This is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject), like "k'Tzeisi Es ha'Ir" (Shemos 9:29).
Malbim: After I broke their hearts and eyes 2 ?
What is the meaning of "v'Nakotu bi'Fneihem"?
Rashi citing Menachem: This is like "Ra'isi Vogedim va'Eskotet 1 " (Tehilim 119:158) ? they will quarrel against themselves that they did not heed Me.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They will groan and see 2 . He translated also "veha'Ne'enakim" (9:4) di'Me'ankin. Hashem says, in the way of a Mashal, I am broken from their heart that is Zonah (strays). This is like "va'Yis'atzev El Libo" (Bereishis 6:6).
Malbim: When their hearts and eyes are broken, and they do not stray after them, they will see that the evils came to them via their abominations, and regret greatly.
Radak: The root is Katat ? cutting off. Also the root Kat is like this.
Radak: This is like "Yir'u Einav Kido" (Iyov 21:20).
Why does it say "El ha'Ra'os"?
Radak: This is like Al ha'Ra'os. Likewise, "El he'Harim Lo Achal" (18:6, is like Al he'Harim).