
Why should a lazy person go to an ant?


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Atzlos DH Kelalo): Hashem created a weak creature to make an Atzel wise. He should be ashamed seeing the ant Zariz and careful in its matters, and learn from it to adopt the Midah of Zerizus, lest his Nefesh go to the pit due to laziness.


Malbim: All powers of Ma'ase Bereishis are planted in man's Nefesh. Every power and Midah that man finds in living beings, he should know that it is found also in his Nefesh. There are many Midos that animals do not need for their livelihood; Hashem put them in them so man will learn from them to do so. Had the Torah not been given, we would have learned from modesty from a cat


Yerushalmi Shabbos 1:3: Anything without sinews and bones does not live more than six months. Mishnas R. Eliezer (3, 58) - it eats only half a Chitah per year. (This requires investigation - PF.)


What is the meaning of "v'Chacham"?


Rashi (6, 11): Hischakem (become wise). These verses are primarily about those who are lazy about (neglect) engaging in Torah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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