
Why does it say "Hasebi Einayich mi'Negdi"?


Rashi: This is like a young man, that his betrothed is beloved and pleasant to him, and her eyes are nice. He tells her, turn your eyes away from me, for when I see you, my heart and Ru'ach get haughty, for I cannot hold back.


Seforno: "Einayich" are the Nevi'im - "va'Ya'atzem Es Eineichem Es ha'Nevi'im" (Yeshayah 29:10). They will not have Nevu'ah, even if they are worthy of it.


Malbim (Melitzah): Until now, [your eyes] were opposite Me, far away. You were in Chadrei Shlomo (the body); the eyes of your intellect were staring from afar from the prison of physicality. Now, turn them to Me, for you will be by Me, under My Kisei ha'Kavod. Your eyes elevated Me in the world. Via them, My grandeur and kingship were recognized.


Malbim (Mashal): Until now, you looked to Chadrei Shlomo, and your eyes saw me from the side. Now, turn them to me. They will cling to me constantly!


What is the meaning of "Hirhivuni"?


Rashi: They made my heart haughty. This is like "v'Rahbam Amal va'Aven" (Tehilim 90:10), "Rahav Hem Shaves" (Yeshayah 30:7).


Rashi according to the metaphor: Hashem said, in this Mikdash (Bayis Sheni) I cannot return to you the Aron, Kapores and Keruvim, for in Bayis Rishon they caused Me to show excessive love to you, to the point that you sinned against Me.


Seforno: They raised Me to take vengeance against you, when you did not heed [what they said in My name].


How is her hair like a flock of goats?


Refer to 4:1:4:1, 2, 4.


Rashi: In the small, soft and thin among you, there is much praise.


Seforno: Indeed, the customs of your ancestors are nice and dear, like the hair of a flock of goats; it is prepared to be an esteemed garment. So you have honored conduct - "v'He'emadnu Aleinu Mitzvos" (Nechemyah 10:33). There is no more need for Nevi'im.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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