What Chamas will not be heard?
Radak: What the Nochrim [used to] do to you.
Malbim: There will not be Chamas (theft) in the country Bein Adam l'Chavero.
What is "Shever bi'Gvulayich"?
Malbim: It is an external enemy falling on your borders from outside.
Why will you call salvation to the walls?
Radak: You will no longer need to ascend on the walls and close the gates due to the enemy - the opposite of the war which was until now.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Redemption will meet your walls, and they will praise on your gates.
Malbim: You will not need walls to guard from plundering and breakage from outside. Salvation itself will be a fortified wall for you - "Yeshu'ah Yashis Chomos va'Chel" (26:1).
Why does it say "u'She'arayich Tehilah"?
Radak: In the gates they will only tell Hashem's praises.
Malbim: The praise itself will be a gate for you. This nation's praise due to their great virtue will suffice that there will not be theft Bein Adam l'Chavero.