
When did David compose this Mizmor?


Radak: It was when he was exiled and fleeing Sha'ul.


Radak citing Shocher Tov: He said it about Keneses Yisrael in exile.


Malbim: His heart expressed a good matter, and said that both when Sha'ul was chasing him on rocks of Ye'elim (wild goats), and when he reached kingship, he requested the same matter - to always sit in Beis Hashem and serve Him. This is like he said, "Achas Sha'alti me'Es Hashem


What is "Neginas"?


Radak: This is not Samuch, even though there is a Patach [before the Sov and not a Cholem]. It is as if it says Neginah, with a Hei. We find like this, that it is not Samuch - "Makas Bilti Sarah" (Yeshayah 14:6).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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