
What is the significance of "ba'Esh Hashem Nishpat"?


Sotah 11a: The Egyptians took counsel, how can we kill Yisrael's redeemer, and escape Hashem's punishment, which is Midah k'Neged Midah? If we will use fire, "Hashem ba'Esh Yavo; ... va'Esh Hashem Nishpat 1 "!


Rashi #1: Hashem will judge His afflicters with the fire of Gehinom. It says Nishpat, for He is the litigant and the judge. Also He claims to find their sins! Also "v'Nishpateti Ito" (Yechezkel 38:22), "Hineni Nishpat Osach" (Yirmeyah 2:35). Nishpat is an expression of argument.


Rashi #2: The simple meaning is, Hashem will use fire and His sword to judge all flesh. Many verses must be re-arranged.


Radak (15-16), Malbim: This is like "Esh v'Gafris Amtir Alav v'Al Agafav" (Yechezkel 38:22); it refers to the war of Gog. Nishpat is Nif'al Omed (the action applies only to the subject); there is a Kamatz under the Pei.


Malbim: In the war of Gog and Magog, Hashem will rain on them "Avnei Elgabish Esh [v'Gafris]" (Yechezkel 38:22).


How would they know this verse, which was said almost 1000 years later? Perhaps they knew it from Avraham, Yakov or Yosef, who knew it via Ru'ach ha'Kodesh. (PF)


What is "Charbo Al Kol Basar"?


Radak, Malbim: This is like it says [about the war of Gog] "Cherev Ish b'Achiv Tihyeh" (Yechezkel 38:21), "v'Asafti Es Kol ha'Goyim El Yerushalayim la'Milchamah" (Zecharyah 14:2).


What are "Chalelei Hashem"?


Malbim: They are those who Hashem will kill via [fire and] causing Gog's army to kill each other.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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