
Why does it say "Ki Kol Sha'on..."?


Rashi (5): This is why they will be ashamed.


Radak (5-6): This is in the days of Mashi'ach, when we will rejoice and they will be ashamed. It will be the tumultous voice of Gog and Magog - "v'Yatza Hashem v'Nilcham ba'Goyim ha'Hem" (Zecharyah 14:3).


What are the three voices?


Rashi (5): "Kol Sha'on me'Ir" is what they did in His city. "Kol Yotzei me'Heichal", and prosecutes those who destroyed it. Afterwards is "the voice of Hashem bestowing to His enemies."


Malbim: First will be a voice from the masses in Yerushalayim. Then will be heard from the Heichal (Mikdash), and last when He pays His enemies. This is the Klal; the coming verses give details.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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