
What is the tense of "Ba'ah"?


Refer to 7:5:2:1.


What is "ha'Tzefirah"?


Radak #1: It is morning. The Targum of Biker is Tzafra.


Radak #2: It is bringing about - Hashem caused the enemy to come upon you.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The kingship was revealed. This is like "veli'Tzfiras Tif'arah" (Yeshayah 28:5) - a crown, a sign of kingship.


Why does it say "Karov ha'Yom Mehumah"?


Radak: The word Samuch [to Mehumah] is omitted. It means ha'Yom Yom Mehumah. The same applies to "ha'Aron ha'Bris" (Yehoshua 3:14) and similar verses.


Malbim: Even though the night passed and morning came, it adds that the time for fulfillment came - it is properly day.


What is the meaning of "v'Lo Hed Harim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: You cannot take shelter in the fortresses of the mountains. Hed is an expression of screaming - an announcement to rise and flee to the mountain tops, like "Heidad Hishbati" (Yeshayah 16:10), "v'Anu Alayich Heidad" (Yirmeyah 51:14). It is making heard the voice of one who carries grapes to the winepress, and those who carry the beam [used to press the grapes].


Radak: Hed is an expression of calling, like "Heidad Heidad" (Yirmeyah 48:33). This commotion and calling will not be like one who screams between mountains - it seems that a voice comes from between the mountains. It is not another voice, like it seems 1 . However, this voice of screaming and tumult will be real, and not illusory.


Malbim: The [day, time and] tumult came. It is not like something that comes from afar, and before it comes, people hear it via the echo between the mountains. They know to save their lives. Here it came suddenly upon the settled city.


Rather, it is an echo. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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