
How did they wander from Hashem?


Radak: They strayed from Avodas Beis ha'Mikdash to serve the calves. This is sin and rebellion against Me!


Why does it say "v'Anochi Efdem"?


Rashi: I wanted to redeem them from the evil in which they are. Radak ? I did not, because they slandered Me (refer to 7:13:3:2).


Malbim (12): If they would see what sin causes (their loss via wandering from Me), I would redeem them from Melech Ashur.


What is the significance of "Diberu Alai Kezavim"?


Rashi: They told Yirmeyah "Sheker Atah Medaber Lo Shelachacha Hashem Elokeinu Leimor Lo Savo'u Mitzraimah" (Yirmeyah 43:2).


Radak: They said that Hashem does not know and oversee their deeds, if they do good or evil. Therefore I did not oversee them, and "v'Histarti Panai Mehem v'Hayah Le'echol" (Devarim 31:17).


Malbim (12): Not only would they not heed My Musar and rebuke. They denied Hashgachah and punishment, and did not heed that the evil came to them because they wandered from Hashem.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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