
Why does the Torah need to tell us the ages of Moshe and Aharon?


Rashi (in Sotah 12a): Because it was in the same year that Yisrael left Egypt.


Seforno: To teach us (with reference to the previous Pasuk) that despite their advanced age, 1 they hurried to perform the will of Hashem with alacrity. 2


Seforno: Bearing in mind that, already then, eighty was considered passed the stage of 'old age (Seivah)' and into that of 'Gevuros,' as the Pasuk in Tehilim 90:10 - composed by Moshe - teaches us.


Oznayim la'Torah: We learn from here the futility of "retirement" to relax and enjoy one's final years in quietude!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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