What is the meaning of "[Samu] Shamir"?
Rashi: It is a worm harder than rock. They put it on a rock, and the rock cleaves 1 .
Radak: It is a hard rock that iron cannot carve it. Malbim - even after the Nevi'im scared them with punishments, and they saw that the punishments came, they made their hearts hard like a Shamir not to fear the punishment.
Sotah 48b: It was used to cut rocks for the Mikdash, or to engrave the Avnei Choshen.
What are "v'Es ha'Devarim" that are not in Torah?
Radak: Words of rebuke that the Nevi'im told to them [Malbim - and warnings of punishments. Torah warns based on intellect. They refused to listen and turned the shoulder from hearing it (11).
What is "b'Rucho"?
Radak: With the Ru'ach of Nevu'ah that spoke with the Nevi'im.
Against whom was the great anger?
Radak: It was against your fathers.
Malbim: It was against those who refused to hear the Nevi'im's words.