
What are the implications of the words "Vehikriv Mimenu Echad mi'Kol Korban"?


Menachos, 77b: "Mimenu" - 'min ha'Mechubar' (all the Chalos should be together at the time of separation); "Echad" - 'she'Lo Yitol Parus' (he may not take a broken piece); "mi'Kol Korban" - 'she'yih'yu Kol ha'Korbanos Shavin' (the Kohen may not take from one species on to another). 1


See Torah Temimah, note 40.


Why does the Torah insert the word "Terumah"?


Menachos, 77b: To teach us via a Gezeirah Shavah "Mimenu Terumah": "Mimenu Terumah" from T'rumas Ma'aser - in Korach Bamidbar 18:26, to take one from each ten loaves.


What happens to the remaining thirty-six loaves, after one of each kind of loaf has been given to the Kohen?


Rashi: The remaining loaves are eaten by the owner, 1 together with the Basar of the Korban.


Refer to 7:13:4:1*.


Why does the Torah not mention that the Chazeh ve'Shok (the chest and the right calf) are given to the Kohen?


Rashi: Because, since the Todah is also a Shelamim, it is obvious that the same Din applies to it as to a Shelamim 1 wherever the Torah does not say otherwise.


The Chazeh ve'Shok of which are given to the Kohanim, as the Torah records later, in Pasuk 34.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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