
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) words. ?u?Vesar Zevach Todas Shakamav??


Rashi and Ramban: To include the Chatas and the Asham, the Eil Nazir and the Chagigah of Erev Pesach 1 , which may also only be eaten for one day. 2


Zevachim, 4a: The word "Zevach" comes to teach us that the Korban should be Shechted in the name of a Todah. 3


Refer to 7:15:151:1.


Ramban citing the Sifra: We learn Lachmei Todah from "Korbano", the offspring and Temuros of the Todah from "u'Besar", Chata'os and Ashamos from "Zevach" and Shalmei Nazir and Shelamim that come on account of Pesach from "Shelamav".


Refer to Torah Temimah, note 44.


What are the implications of the term "B'sar Zevach Todas Shelamav"?


Zevachim, 7a: It implies that a Todah is called a Shelamim, but a Shelamim is not called a Todah. Conseqently, a Todah that is Shechted in the name of a Shelamim is Kasher, but not vice-versa. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 45, who elaborates.


Why may the Korban Todah be eaten for only one day (like Kodshei Kodshim) and not for two days (like a regular Shelamim)?


Seforno: Because as a result, the owner will have to invite many guests ? in order to finish the Korban plus the large volume of loaves, resulting in more Pirsumei Nisa, 1 (which is the main objective of the Todah in the first place ? Oznayim la'Torah). 2


Refer to 7:13:3:1*. See Oznayim la'Torah, DH 'u'Vesar Zevach ... ', as to why Kodshei Kodshim are restricted to one day.


See Oznayim la'Torah in Vayikra, 22:30, DH 'ba'Yom ha'Hu'.


For how long may the Lachmei Todah be eaten?


Rashi: For one day and a night, like the Basar of the Korban. 1


Which the Gemara in Zevachim, 37b learns from the fact that the Torah writes ""be'Yom Korbano" ? and not "ba'Yom ha'Hu". See Sifsei Chachamim.


Seeing as the night precedes the day, why does the Torah alot the Torah a day and a night in which to eat it?


Chulin, 83a: This teaches us in the realm of Kodshim, the day precedes the night. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 48.


Seeing as the Torah permits eating the Korban Todah until the morning, why did the Chachamim curtail the time-limit until midnight?


B'rachos 9a: In order to distance people from sinning. 1


Rashba: In case one thinks that it is still night, and really dawn already arrived, and he will eat and transgress Nosar. See also Torah Temimah, note 49.



Rashi writes that the Chagigah of Erev Pesach is eaten for one day and a night. But he himself explained (in Devarim 16:4) that it is eaten for two days and a night?


Ramban, Riva and Moshav Zekenim: There, Rashi explains like the Chachamim and the Sifra. Here he explains like Ben Teima. 1 Rashi in Pesachim (96b) cites two explanations of 'Shelamim that come due to Pesach 2 ' - 1. Temuras Pesach or Mosar Pesach (leftover - it was lost and the owner brought another animal for the Korban Pesach); 2. the Chagigah of Erev Pesach.


Ramban, Riva and Moshav Zekenim: Ben Teima does not learn from our Pasuk, but from "Lo Yalin la'Boker Zevach Chag ha'Pasach" (Ki Sisa Sh'mos, 34:25) - and "Chag" is referring to the Chagigah of Erev Pesach.


Moshav Zekenim: We learn this from "ve'Zavachta Pesach? Tzon u'Vakar" (Devarim 16:2). Pesach cannot be brought from Bakar, only from Tzon. "u'Vakar" therefore refers to Shelamim that come due to Pesach. Refer also to 7:16:0.1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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