
What is the significance of "Motze Ani Mar mi'Maves Es ha'Ishah"?


Torah Temimah citing Yevamos 63b: In Eretz Yisrael, when someone gets married, they say to him, Matza or Motze? If the Kalah is proper, "Matza Ishah Matza Tov" (Mishlei 18:22); if not, "Motzei Ani Mar


Chasam Sofer (63b): Even if she will pain him, he found good, for wives raise children (enabling him to learn) and save their husbands from sin.)


It seems that in Ibn Ezra's text, there is a Tzeirei under the Tzadi in Motze. (PF)


Why does it say "Asher Hi Metzodim"?


Ibn Ezra: Metzodim is from the root "Tzayid" (Bereishis 10:9). Its grammatical form is like "Meromim" (Yeshayah 33:16).


R. Yonah (Mishlei 6:24): Once one gazes at a woman, he is caught in her Metzodah (trap). Man sees his heart's desire, and does not see his end. A foolish dove in the Midbar sees the grain, but not the trap.


Metzudas David: She is a trap 1 to trap those who accept her enticement.


Metzudas Tziyon: Metzodim is like "Metzodah Ra'ah" (9:12).


In what sense is "Charamim Libah"?


Rashi: This is an expression of a trap (Rid - for fish), like "Yegorehu v'Chermo v'Ya'asfehu b'Michmarto" (Chabakuk 1:15).


Ibn Ezra: Charamim is a net, like "Mishtach Charamim" (Yechezkel 26:5). At every moment, an [evil] woman's heart and thoughts are only to spread traps to catch people.


R. Yonah (Mishlei 6:24): When she desires a man in her heart, he will stumble with her even if he does not desire her. His bad Mazal caused her to desire him.


Seforno: Her heart is traps to draw a man via strategies of enticement from the ways of life to the opposite - anyone who talks too much with a woman, causes evil to himself. He is Batel from Divrei Torah, and in the end he inherits Gehinom (Avos 1:5).


Metzudas David: Men are caught via her heart's thoughts.


Why does it say "Asurim Yadeha"?


Rashi citing Menachem: When she holds a man, it is as if he is tied in thick ropes. "Asurim" is a noun (ropes), like "va'Yimasu Esurav me'Al Yadav" (Shoftim 15:14).


Ibn Ezra, Rashbam: Her hands are like a jail. R. Yonah (Mishlei 6:24) - if she holds him in her hands, he is incarcerated; there is no solution for him.


R. Avigdor 1 , from Koheles Rabah: A Mashal for this is a dog that used to bite people. The owner made a chain for it, and even so it bit people. Had it not written "Asurim Yadeha 2 ", she would go to the market and grab a man by his garment and tell him to be intimate with her - "va'Tispesehu b'Vigdo Leimor Shichvah Imi" (Bereishis 39:12).


Seforno: After he began to be enticed, it is as if he is tied and forced to do her will, like happened with Ba'al Pe'or (Sanhedrin 106a; Jews desired Bnos Midyan, and agreed to defecate in front of Ba'al Pe'or in order to have Bi'ah with them).


We explained based on the Midrash; presumably, the text of R. Avigdor should say like the Midrash. (PF)


I.e. Hashem made her nature not to go to the market, only to entice men who approach her, just like a chained dog bites only those who come near it. (PF)


Why does it say "Tov Lifnei ha'Elokim Yimalet Mimenah"?


Rashbam: He will not fall in her hands. Because she is compared to traps, it discusses escaping from her - "Nafshenu k'Tzipor Nimletah mi'Pach Yokeshim


Really, it is one more. (PF)


How is "v'Chotei Yilached Bah"?


Ibn Ezra: In her trap. Ri Kara - a sinner approaches her, and is caught in her [trap]. Metzudas David - once he is trapped, it is impossible to separate from her to save himself.


R. Avigdor: The Gematriya of "v'Chotei Yilached Bah" equals that of b'Gehinom 1 . The Gemara 2 says that she is tied to him like a dog. This is why below, it says "v'Oz Panav Yeshune" (8:1; a dog is brazen).


Seforno: He inherits Gehinom via her counsel.


Really, it is one more. (PF)


Sotah 3b: [Any] sin clings to a person like a dog. We learn from "v'Lo Shama Eleha Lishkav Etzlah Lihyos Imah" (Bereishis 39:10). Moshav Zekenim (ibid.) - one who had Bi'ah with a Nochris, she is tied to him in the world to come.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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