Why does the Torah refer to the gift of wagons as "Korbanam"?
Ramban #1: Because the Nesi'im brought them for the needs of the Korbanos. 1
Ramban #2: Because they contained the Korbanos that the Pasuk lists later in the Parshah. 2
Ramban: Similar to "Vanakrev eis Korban Hashem ... " in Matos Bamidbar 31:50 with reference to Bedek ha'Bayis.
Ramban: In which case, "Eglos" means (not 'wagons', but) 'wagons-full', with reference to their contents - similar to "Ochlei Shulchan Izevel" (Melachim 1, 18:19) and "Ki Yode'a Kol Sha'ar Ami" (Rus, 3:11). See also Bava Basra, 146a.
What is the definition of "Eglos Tzav"?
Rashi #1 (citing the Sifri) and Targum Onkelos and: It means 'covered wagons'.
Rashi #2: It means 'nice-looking wagons'. 1
Rashi #3 (in Yeshayah, 66:20): It means 'wagons well rigged-out, with walls and a cover'.
Ramban #1: It means 'large wagons'.
Ramban #2: It means 'full wagons'. 2
Rashbam: It means 'wagons that were ready to go to war and travel long distances'. 3
Targum Yonasan: It means 'covered wagons that were well rigged-out'.
Rashi: As in Shmuel 2, 1:19. "ha'Tzevi Yisrael".
Rashbam: According to the context, as in Yeshayah, 66:20.
Why did the Nesi'im donate a wagon between two Nesi'im?
Seforno: It was a sign of the camaraderie that existed between them, 1 rendering them worthy of the Shechinah resting among them. 2
Notwithstanding the fact that they were princes who generally proudly prefer to act independently. Refer to 7:3:4.1:2.
Seforno: As the Pasuk indicates in ve'Zos ha'Berachah Devarim, 33:5, as opposed to what the Navi writes in Hoshe'a, 10:2.
What are the implications of "Vayakrivu osam Lifnei ha'Mishkan"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It implies that initially they brought their gift to Moshe, and when they peristed and brought it to the Mishkan, Hashem instructed Moshe to accept it - as stated in the following Pesukim.
Why was Moshe hesitant to accept the Nesi'im's gift?
Seforno (in Pasuk 5): Because he thought that Gershon and Merari, like K'has, would carry the Mishkan on their shoulders and there was no need for the wagons and the oxen. 1
Bearing in mind the superiority of animals over plants (wood), why does the Torah mention the wagons before the oxen?
Oznayim la'Torah #1: Because the Kedushah of the wagons - which transported the Mishkan, exceeded that of the oxen, which pulled the wagons. 1
Oznayim la'Torah #2: Because the greatness of the Nesi'im was largely conveyed by the fact that they put aside their princehood and brought a wagon between two Nesi'im. 2
Oznayim la'Torah #3: Because, whereas they were certain that Moshe would accept the wagons, it was doubtful that he would accept the oxen - due to the prohibition against donating to Bedek ha'Bayis blemishless animals that are fit to go on the Mizbe'ach, 3
What prompted the Nesi'im to come forward with their gift in honor of the Mishkan?
Rashi: After they almost missed donating towards the construction of the Mishkan, 1 they learned their lesson and hurried to donate a gift the moment the construction was complete.
Why was Moshe hesitant to accept the Nesi'ims' Korbanos?
Refer also to 7:10:2.1:1-3.