
What is "mi'Giv'as ha'Moreh ba'Emek"?


Targum Yonasan: Mi'Giv'asa d'Mistachya l'Meishra. Rashi - Moreh is an expression of Hora'ah (showing) and seeing, e.g. Moreh b'Etzbe'osav" (Mishlei 6:13). From there, one can see and gesture [to people] in the valley. Radak - perhaps there was a lookout there, showing the paths.


R. Yeshayah: The verse is abbreviated; it is as if it says 'the hill of the tower that oversees the valley.' Or, there was the peak of a rock there.


Metzudas Tziyon: Giv'as ha'Moreh is the name of a place. 1


Lev Yitzchak: Seemingly, since the Targum did not cite the name verbatim, he holds that it is not the name of a place (refer to 7:1:1:3); Ramban (Bereishis 35:16, b'Sof) implies like this. However, Meturgeman holds that when it is a name, the Targum is Giv'ah, and when it is a hill, the Targum is based on Romemos.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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