What Bris should Hashem look at?
Rashi: The Bris that He made with the Avos. Radak - the Patach under the Lamed shows that it is the known Bris.
Malbim: It is the Bris that He made with the Avos, and about the land. At the end of the Tochachah, it says that after they get afflictions and the land will be abandoned, Hashem will remember the Bris.
Why does it say "Mal'u Machashakei Eretz"?
Radak: All the places of Galus, for Yisrael, they are darkness.
Malbim: Since the land is full of darkness and became a residence of robbery, it is proper that You look at the Bris.
What is "Ne'os Chamas"?
Rashi: A residence of robbery. Ne'os is an expression of residence. Radak - the nations rob Yisrael.