Why does it say "v'Atah Pitucheha Yachad"?
Rashi: Even though [the enemy] saw that Hashem is displeased, they did not refrain from striking all the openings and gates together.
Radak: All the openings and designs in gold, [the enemy destroyed them]. "Pitucheha" refers to the handiwork of the Bayis; its openings were beautiful.
Malbim: Now we see that this sign did not come (the enemy is destroying the gold on the openings)!
What are "Keshil" and "Kilafos"?
Rashi: They are tools of destruction. The Targum of "uv'Kardumos Ba'u Lah" (Yirmeyah 46:22) is b'Chashilin. Kilafos is a carpenter's tool, in Arabic.
Radak: They are (a) axes and (b) tools (like axes) used to crush rocks or engrave in them, respectively.